Meth Abuse Statistics
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Meth Abuse Statistics

Meth StatisticsMeth abuse statistics show that over 1.6 million people had tried meth in the United States as of 2006. This drug is a favorite of young people under age 25, where the average age of first use is 19. Admissions for treatment of meth addiction nearly tripled nationwide between 1997 and 2007 and continue to climb. Also referred to as "speed"�'�' or "chalk", meth is easily distilled from legal cold medicines, prompting many states to crack down on sales of over-the-counter medicines in 2004 in an attempt to stop the explosive spread of meth labs. The speed with which meth abuse spread from its origins in the Pacific Northwest came in part because it was cheap and easy to obtain and provides an intense "hit"�'�' and an euphoric high that lasts 6-8 hours.

In 2008, meth abuse statistics reports that 850,000 Americans age 12 and older had abused this drug at least once in the year prior to being surveyed. Source: National Survey on Drug Use and Health (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Web Site).

  • Meth abuse statistics from the NIDA-funded 2008 Monitoring the Future Study showed that 1.2% of 8th graders, 1.5% of 10th graders, and 1.2% of 12th graders had abused methamphetamine at least once in the year prior to being surveyed. Source: Monitoring the Future
  • In 2005, nearly 6.2% of high school seniors reported using methamphetamine at least once.
  • The number of 12-17 year olds admitted to treatment for meth addiction more than doubled between 1994 and 2004.
  • In North Dakota, meth abuse statistics notes that an estimated 60% of the male prison population are meth users. 80- 90% of the female prison population were incarcerated for meth related offenses.
  • More than 85% of meth in the US comes from superlabs in California and Mexico. Mexican drug rings often use safe houses on Indian reservations to facilitate distribution into North Dakota.
  • In 2004, meth abuse statistics found that 8,000 meth labs were seized in the US. Child welfare workers removed more than 3,000 children from the labs.
  • According to the North Dakota Attorney General's office, state legislation which controlled sale of over-the-counter cold medications like Sudafed reduced the number of local labs significantly from 190 lab incidents in 2005 to 40 in 2006.
  • The manufacture of a pound of meth creates 5-6 pounds of toxic waste. Minnesota drug officials closed down a meth lab in 2003 being operated in an ice-fishing shack. The cookers were dumping waste into the ice hole, poisoning the lake.
  • Small clandestine labs use any of hundred of different recipes to manufacture meth. Because the recipe using anhydrous ammonia was developed by the Germans during WWII, it is called the "Nazi" method of meth production.
  • Meth manufacture creates toxic fumes and hazardous waste by-products that can poison water, pollute lakes, permeate walls and flooring and cause fires and explosions.
  • Meth abuse statistics notes that it takes only $1,000 worth of ingredients to make $20,000 worth of meth.
  • According to police, the price of a dose of cocaine that would give an user a 20 minute high will buy enough meth to keep an user buzzed for a day or two.

Meth Abuse Statistics
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