Meth Street Value
Meth street value varies across the United States. The estimated cost of making meth is $100 an ounce, with a meth street value of $800 an ounce. Meth street value is approximately $3,000 per pound. While cheap for the people who make it, meth is costly for taxpayers. The OSBI estimates that it costs an average of $2,000 to clean up a lab. Many law enforcement agencies including the OSBI contract out for cleaning services. The OSBI spends $1 million on cleaning services each year.
According to a new study, employers are losing thousands of dollars a year due to meth use by employees. Researchers extrapolated that each meth user costs an employer an average of $47,500 annually. Meth use by employees was estimated to cost just over $21 million annually.
The study examined the six major categories of cost meth users impose on employers: Increased absenteeism, lost productivity, increased turnover, increased employee theft, increased worker compensation claims and increased healthcare premium costs. Many workers use methamphetamine to stay awake for second jobs or to sharpen concentration. But use of the drug ultimately costs both workers and employers big.
Positive drug tests for amphetamines in the workplace jumped 6 percent last year and 44 percent in 2003, even as use of other drugs appeared to decline. "Drug abuse in the workplace is decreasing, but ironically, methamphetamine positives are increasing," said Mark de Bernardo, executive director of the Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace in Washington.
Here is the average meth street value for here in the U.S.:
In Alabama the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 136,080
In Arizona the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 45,280
In Arkansas the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 24,000
In California the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 10,000
In Colorado the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 8,600.00
In Florida the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 14,000
In Georgia the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 45,000.00
In Hawaii the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 30,000
In Idaho the meth street value per pound is reported as: $16,000
In Illinois the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 36,000
In Indiana the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 20,000
In Iowa the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 52,580 (98% pure)
In Kansas the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 32,000
In Kentucky the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 67,200
In Louisiana the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 51,700
In Michigan the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 18,000
In Minnesota the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 41,325
In Mississippi the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 35,800
In Missouri the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 45,700
In Montana the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 45 - 68,000
In Nebraska the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 47,000
In Nevada the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 25,600
In New Hampshire the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 75,500
In New Jersey the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 51,600
In New Mexico the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 27,000 to $ 36,000
In North Carolina the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 40,085
In North Dakota the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 24,000 - $ 32,000
In Ohio the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 45,300
In Oklahoma the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 53,333
In Oregon the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 23,634
In Pennsylvania the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 36,000
In South Carolina the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 45,000
In South Dakota the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 15,000
In Tennessee the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 50,000
In Texas, the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 40,000
In Utah, the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 12,000
In Virginia the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 44,800
In Washington (state) the meth street value per pound is reported as: $ 33,000